Intimacy with God - the Doorway to Hope
Shelter in Place
Amazing Grace
Edwin Othello Excell, John P. Rees, Louie Giglio, John Newton, and Chris Tomlin CCLI 20455650
Amazing Grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now am found
Was blind but now I see
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood
His mercy rains
Unending love amazing Grace
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine
By the Mark
Gillian Welch and David Rawlings CCLI 20455650
Verse 1
When I cross over
I will shout and sing
I will know my savior
By the mark where the nails have been
By the mark where the nails have been
By the sign up on his precious skin
I will know my savior when I come to him
By the mark where the nails have been
Verse 2
A man of riches
May claim a crown of jewels
But the king of heaven
Can be told from the prince of fools
Verse 3
On Calvary's Mountain
Where they made him suffer so
All my sin was paid for
A long, long time ago
A Liturgy for Those Flooded by Too Much Information
In a world so wired and interconnected,
our anxious hearts are pummeled by
an endless barrage of troubling news.
We are daily aware of more grief, O Lord,
than we can rightly consider,
of more suffering and scandal
than we can respond to, of more
hostility, hatred, horror, and injustice
than we can engage with compassion.
But you, O Jesus, are not disquieted
by such news of cruelty and terror and war.
You are neither anxious nor overwhelmed.
You carried the full weight of the suffering
of a broken world when you hung upon
the cross, and you carry it still.
When the cacophony of universal distress
unsettles us, remind us that we are but small
and finite creatures, never designed to carry
the vast abstractions of great burdens,
for our arms are too short and our strength
is too small. Justice and mercy, healing and
redemption, are your great labors.
And yes, it is your good pleasure to accomplish
such works through your people,
but you have never asked any one of us
to undertake more than your grace
will enable us to fulfill.
Guard us then from shutting down our empathy
or walling off our hearts because of the glut of
unactionable misery that floods our awareness.
You have many children in many places
around this globe. Move each of our hearts
to compassionately respond to those needs
that intersect our actual lives, that in all places
your body might be actively addressing
the pain and brokenness of this world,
each of us liberated and empowered by
your Spirit to fulfill the small part
of your redemptive work assigned to us.
Give us discernment
in the face of troubling news reports.
Give us discernment
to know when to pray,
when to speak out,
when to act,
and when to simply
shut off our screens
and our devices,
and to sit quietly
in your presence,
casting the burdens of this world
upon the strong shoulders
of the one who
is able to bear them up.
--from Every Moment Holy
John 17:20-24 | Psalm 62:1-8 | Psalm 130:5-8
Closing Song
Jesus Thank You
Pat Sczebel CCLI 20455650
Verse 1
The mystery of the cross
I cannot comprehend
The agonies of Calvary
You the perfect Holy One,
crushed Your Son
Who drank the bitter cup
reserved for me
Your blood has washed away my sin
Jesus, thank you
The Father’s wrath completely satisfied
Jesus, thank you
Once Your enemy, now seated at Your table
Jesus, thank you
Verse 2
By Your perfect sacrifice I’ve been brought near
Your enemy you've made your friend
Pouring out the riches of Your glorious grace
Your mercy and your kindness know no end
Lover of my soul
I want to live for You