In Christ
Jesus Christ is the center of God's plan to redeem the whole world. Followers of Christ are united to him and therefore Christ must be at the center of our lives and everything we do as a church.
(Colossians 1; Luke 24 ; John 17)
We receive the gospel promises individually, but are called to live them out together. God gives us the opportunity for deep friendships and family to help us with all that we face in life. Our love for one another puts Christ's love on display.
For the city
We go into our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces with a desire to bring the gospel to those who do not know Christ. We go as Christ came to us, in love and humility, with a heart to love and serve our City and World.
(John 20; Matthew 28; Acts 1)
Faith & Practice
The Story of Jesus
The Bible is about the person and work of Jesus Christ from start to finish. God created a good world, human beings rebelled against God and his good ways and fell away, God accomplished redemption in Jesus Christ, and God will restore the universe when Christ comes again to make everything new. This is the central story of human history and needs to be the central story of our lives and churches. This is the gospel.
We believe that God’s gospel narrative begins in the book of Genesis. God created the earth and all that is in it, and it was good. Adam and Eve rebelled against God and His good rule, and it was bad. But in the midst of what seemed a hopeless future for all humanity, God made a promise. God promised that through a future descendent of the woman would one day come a man that would crush the head of the serpent and redeem mankind. Evil, death, sin, oppression, rebellion and suffering would once for all be defeated.
Christ has done what we could never do. He perfectly obeyed God on our behalf. Where Adam failed, Christ did not. Christ became sin for us, taking away the punishment that we had earned, so that we might stand before God as righteous and dearly loved children. As followers of Christ we have been united to him. Christ daily gives us the power to live lives that glorify God, but apart from him we are still powerless. Who Christ is and what he has done must and will transform who we are and what we do.
Creeds and Confessions
Christ Church affirms the following Creeds and Confessions:
The Creed of Chalcedon (451 AD)
Westminster Confession of Faith