Suffering, Sealed, and Saved

Shelter in Place

Shelter in Place

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Order of Service

Opening Songs

O Great is our God

Verse 1

Oh! Great is our God! So we should worship greatly!!
No song is too loud! No orchestra too stately
To hail the majesty of our King
So lift your voices loud as we sing

Verse 2

Oh! Great is our God! So let our songs be endless!!
So awesome His ways, how could we comprehend them?
So we will make it known to our kids
And we will sing about the gracious gifts You give


We will sing Your praise and pour forth Your fame
We will bless Your name
Let every one give thanks, because our God is great!

Verse 3

Oh! Great is our God! And we cannot contain it!
We sing from our souls, affected by His greatness
His mercy covers all that He's made
Showing His glory and His grace


We will sing Your praise and pour forth Your fame
We will bless Your name
Let every one give thanks, because our God is great!

Jesus Paid It All

Anthony Brown and Pat Barrett CCLI 20455650

Verse 1

I hear the savior say

Thy strength indeed in small

Child of weakness, watch and pray

Find in me thine all in all


Jesus paid it all

All to him I owe

Sin had left a crimson stain

He washed it white as snow

Verse 2

Lord, now indeed I find

Thy power and thine alone

Can change the leper's spots

And melt the heart of stone

Verse 3

And when before the throne

I stand in him complete

Jesus died my soul to save

My lips shall still repeat


Oh praise the one who paid my debt

And raised this life up from the dead


Liturgy to Begin a Purposeful Gathering

Leader: And so we are gathered here, uniquely in all of history, we particular people in this singular time and place.

Congregation: Accomplish your purposes among us, O God. Tune our hearts to the voice of your Spirit. Wake us to be present to you and to one another in these shared hours we are given.

Leader: For it is you, O Lord, who have so gathered us from our various places, and you alone who know our hearts and our needs. 

Among us are some who arrive anxious, some who are lonely, some who suffer pain or sorrow. 

Congregation: May we in our joys find grace to enter the sorrows of others.

Leader: Among us are some who arrive rejoicing, hearts made light by good news, good health, glad anticipation. 

Congregation: May we in our sorrows find grace to embrace the joys of others.

Leader: Let us prize these moments and care for one another deeply--for each of us, and our relationships to one another, are precious and fleeting. Amen.

Let us prize these moments and care for one another deeply--for each of us, and our relationships to one another, are precious and eternal. Amen.

Breathe upon our gathering, O Spirit of God. Grant each of us a place to humbly receive and to faithfully serve, that we might know in this brief gathering a foretaste of that greater communion yet to come.

Congregation: O Father, enlarge our hearts. O Spirit, expand our vision. O Christ, establish your kingdom among us.

Leader: Be at work even now, O Lord. May your will, in us, in these hours, be accomplished. Amen.

Scripture Reading

Revelation 7:9–17


Closing Song

Before the Throne
Charitie Lees Bancroft and Vikki Cook CCLI 20455650

Verse 1

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea
A great High Priest, whose name is Love
Whoever lives and pleads for me

Verse 2

My name is graven on His hands
My name is written on His heart
I know that while in heaven He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart
No tongue can bid me thence depart

Verse 3

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within
Upward I look, and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin

Verse 4

Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me


Praise the One,
Risen Son of God!

Verse 5

Behold Him there, the Risen Lamb 
My perfect, spotless righteousness
The great unchangeable I am
The King of glory and of grace!

Verse 6

One with Himself I cannot die 
My soul is purchased by His blood 
My life is hid with Christ on high 
With Christ, my Savior and my God 
With Christ, my Savior and my God