Different Ways of Thinking About Church

Dear Christ Church,

From time to time, Seng and I will to use this "From Your Pastors" blog to send out articles from us or others that we believe will be helpful to the spiritual formation of our church community.

The article linked below was written by Kris Brossett. Kris is planting Refuge LA and he preached for us on October 15th. In the article, Kris shares the beautiful story of what God has done in and
through his life, and also discusses the importance of the church and church planting. He engages Francis Chan and We Are Church in a way that is loving, but also challenging. Francis is a personal friend of mine and I am grateful for his work in San Francisco. Kris spoke with Francis and sent him this article and Francis thanked him for writing it. Please take a few minutes to read it and please let us know if you have any questions at all.

Warmly in Christ,
Toby Kurth


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